Beautiful Islam
hai media islami friends around the world, Islam is a religion that respects all differences and gives great blessings to the universe. The concept of Islam is beautiful which has been held by all of its followers in everyday life. There is no need to use some special methods to prove that Islam is beautiful today as a blessing for the universe, but in everyday life it can be proven from all scopes.
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Islam is known as a good grace for the universe. From this, we can conclude that there are mostly new concepts that can be observed and applied in everyday life. For this reason, there are a number of important things making the concept of the development of Islam as a blessing for the universe that has been developed since ancient times.
Evidence that Islam is Beautiful and a Mercy for the Universe
Not too many Muslims understand how to apply divine grace to the universe. Therefore, to provide a broader understanding, there is some evidence that Islam is a beautiful religion and also brings blessings to the entire universe.
Islam is prohibited from destroying the surrounding environment
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Mercy for the universe can be shown from the teachings of Islam, where people are prohibited from destroying the surrounding environment. It has been proven that there are a number of big impacts when the environment is damaged, especially in causing a big disaster for humans.
Preserved nature actually has a good impact on humans. Then it takes a commitment from humans not to destroy all ecosystems on earth and the entire universe. We can prove that Islam is beautiful is a good and beautiful religion, especially for the universe.
source : Islam itu Indah