Examples of The Exporting of Rights and Obligations as Citizens
Every individual must have rights and obligations in his/her position as a citizenof a country. If ever found an example of the deestioning of rights and obligations as a citizen, it signifies a poor relationship between citizens and citizens.

Every citizen must carry out obligations that have been regulated by law. Meanwhile, the statemust properly protect the rights of each of its citizens. By carrying out rights and obligations in a balanced manner, the life of the state can be harmonious and conducive.
However, the rights and obligations of citizens often do not run in accordance with the provisions of the law. This kind of thing can cause the life of the state to be less stable.
Definition of Rights and Obligations as a Citizen
Every citizen should understand the definition of a citizen’s rights and obligations. If there is a case of violation of the rights of a citizen, we can file a complaint with a state official.
On the other hand, we as good citizens must also know our obligations as citizens. It is useless if we want the state to fulfill our rights, but we are averse to obligations to the state. This also applies to the state, where the state must fulfill the rights ofeach ofits citizens and not just demand the obligations of the citizens.
The right of a citizen has a definition as a set of rights to any individual who has a position as a citizen of a country. The rights of Indonesian citizens consist of legal rights and constitutional rights.
Legal rights are the rights of citizens under the rule of law and the rights that are guaranteed by law. Meanwhile, constitutional rights are rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945.
The definition of a citizen’s obligation is all things thatmust beappropriated anddone by eachindividual in accordance with the laws. The obligation as a citizen is equal to the right of a citizen,i.e. limited by his or her citizenship status.
Some Examples of The Violation of Rights and Obligations as Citizens
In a country, of course there has been a violation of rights and obligations as a citizen. The two have a reciprocal relationship.
Examples of The Deposing of Rights as Citizens
Know some examples of the deesting of rights as citizens. Among them are:
· The state in this case the government made arrests of its citizens under the pretext of maintaining the stability of state security. However, such arrests or detentions are not based on applicable laws.
· Committing acts of violence against citizens who are proven to use extreme measures that endanger national security.
· The execution of the death penalty for a citizen who commits a serious crime. The death penalty is still controversial because it is contrary to human rights to live.
· Doing a public outreach to the media and the press who always do criticism of the government. The reason is that critical media can disrupt national stability. The way of disclosure of the press and media by the state is by revoking the Press Issuance Business License (SIUPP).
· The government takes policy arbitrarily without thinking about the rights of its citizens. Examples of cases of rights violations such as home evictions.
Examples of Outlawing Obligations as Citizens
If the denying of a citizen’s rights is carried out by the state or government, then the denying of the obligations of the state is carried out by an individual who is domiciled as a citizen of a country. Here is an example of the outlawment of obligations as a citizen
· Citizens involved in cases do not pay taxes.
· Damage to the environment.
· Breaking the rules and not obeying the applicable law.
· Vandalism and vandalism of public/state-owned facilities.
So, that’s an example of the deesting of rights and obligations as acitizen. May we always be good citizens and beneficial to our beloved Country of Indonesia.
this article has been published on the Military blog with the Title Contoh Pengingkaran Hak dan Kewajiban sebagai Warga Negara